If You Have A Great Wine Story, You Have Come To The Right Place!
We are eager to hear your wine story. Perhaps you found the perfect wine for your birthday party, or that winery in Santa Barbara or Finger Lakes was just the greatest. Maybe you had a humbling encounter with a wine steward, or your attempts at food and wine pairing were less than successful. Sharing stories and experiences really enriches our enjoyment and knowledge of wine. These anecdotes become very special for us, they become part of us as wine lovers and human beings. Sometimes these stories are funny, other times they are educational, and still other times, they just humanize us, maybe they also humanize that ornery wine steward! We love stories; and those of us who love wine have a few to tell. Come right in and share with us. If you have photos, so much the better.

Want To Share Your Great Wine Story?
Tell us your great wine adventure! Recount your journey, or your funny experience. Please share it with us!
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